
Become a friend of the CMSA!

Make a contribution. Help us support our programs and scholarships. Your dollars will allow us to support the creation of new music for mandolin family instruments and orchestras, build an online library of historic and new mandolin music, support luthiers, and continue our educational goals to provide stimulating and innovative workshops, and support artists from around the world.

Choose how to direct your donation with one of the following options:


Donate by check

You can also contribute by sending us a check.  Just make sure to include any one of the funding targets above in the check memo and an address to send the receipt if different from the address appearing on the check.

Classical Mandolin Society of America
3925 30th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55406-3108

Interested in becoming a CMSA sponsor?

We invite you to help sponsor our annual convention and to reach out to our members. Visit our sponsorship page for more information.

Annual Convention

Upcoming Events