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2021 Election Results

Please congratulate our newly elected board members: Robert Margo (Vice President) and Ken Luk, Jeff Brumley, and Jim Bates (Directors at Large) for the 2022-2024 term of office. Per the CMSA bylaws, the board members were elected by acclamation of the board since there was one candidate for each position. Jonathan Bredin has been appointed to finish the unexpired term of Bob Margo, now Vice-President.

Special thanks go to outgoing board members Nora Morgenstern and Fred Pike for their commitment and service to CMSA. Nora served on the Membership and Publicity Committees, as well as the Open Mic Committee for the virtual conventions. Fred served on the Technology Committee and was one of the ‘behind the scenes’ people that kept the virtual conventions running smoothly. We wish them well and look forward to seeing them at future CMSA events.

Robert Margo: Vice President

“I have been an active member of the CMSA Board of Directors since 2015. During my time on the Board, I have been deeply involved in many activities and initiatives, including revisions to the By-Laws and to the Grants Program, the development of our Honors and Awards programs, convention programming, and much else. My goals have always been to increase appreciation for the CMSA’s history and to strengthen our presence in the international mandolin community. My prior work on these goals has involved close and fruitful collaboration with our co-Presidents Sue Lesser and Susan McLaughlin, and as Vice-President I will continue to work hard to further these goals with Susan McLaughlin. I am strongly committed to the CMSA as an organization, and I believe its future is very bright.”

Jeff-BrumleyJeff Brumley: Director

“I hope that I can bring to CMSA the perspective of one experienced in music but relatively new to this organization, empowering what is working well, but also constructively challenging what needs to be refreshed.  I strongly support the efforts of the Education Committee and the Mandolins Make a Difference initiative and want to make it successful on a local and national level.  More than anything else, I’m excited to finally see folks in person in Kalamazoo, after being in the unique position of getting to know so many of you through your En Masse contributions and our resulting online interactions. I am continually impressed by the graciousness and generosity of this community.”

 Ken LukKen Luk: Director

“I would love to join the CMSA board, because there is a lot for me to learn and to give. Trained as a classical guitarist, I have only dived into playing the mandolin seriously for about three years. I was fascinated by this strong and supportive community when I participated in my first CMSA convention in 2019. I love all the things the CMSA does – to connect and cultivate lovers of the mandolin. And I hope my background as a classical musician, my role as a cofounder of a classical guitar society (Rochester Classical Guitar), as well as my role as a cofounder of the Rochester Mandolin Orchestra have equipped me with the musical, educational, and entrepreneurial skills to serve the bigger mandolin community.”

Jim BatesJim Bates: Director

“I have enjoyed serving on the board of directors of CMSA. Since I do not have an orchestra in my area, being an active board member helps me stay current with the mandolin world. I feel that my training as a classical musician and my professional life as a university music professor bring a valuable perspective to the board. Also, my day-to-day life as a professor of music education is valuable to the education committee of CMSA. I have been very involved with developing the new education initiatives for CMSA. Serving another term on the board would allow me to see these initiative bear fruit.”

Jonathan BredinJonathan Bredin: Director

“In 2014, I stumbled upon the Mandolin Orchestra of Northwest Arkansas beginning my enchantment with the sounds and communities of plucked-stringed instrument ensembles. It’s gratifying to join an environment where you can regularly spend a weeknight nerding out with other mandolin players and it’s a happy coincidence that it’s all preparation for your audience, too.  In 2016, I filled in with Clarke Buehling’s Carousel Orchestra, playing second mandolin. Later that year, I joined the Minnesota Mandolin Orchestra, where I play alto mandola. Since 2017, I’ve served the Minnesota Mandolin Orchestra as the booking agent and treasurer. I’ve contributed to our efforts to establish our 501c3 non-profit status, collect player availability information on-line, create pandemic performance videos, and explore new venues. I’m excited at the prospect of serving on the Board of CMSA and am looking forward to new experiences to help string players and their audiences enjoy performances.”

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