News + Blog
Passing of Steve Komine
Susumu “Steve” Komine (1949-2022) passed away in July 2022. Originally from Japan, Steve resided with his family in Irvine, California. Until his retirement, Steve was chairman of the U.S. subsidiary of a Japanese trading company. Steve’s ashes are buried in Tokyo,...
Convention Program Ads
Thanks to our members who posted ads in the 2022 CMSA Convention Program.
Convention 2022!
September 21-25, 2022 We are excited to present our Guest Artists for the 2022 CMSA Convention in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Ricardo Sandoval was inducted as a member of the CMSA Honorary Board of Directors. At the 2022 convention, Ricardo will lead the Mandolin 1...
2021 Election Results
Please congratulate our newly elected board members: Robert Margo (Vice President) and Ken Luk, Jeff Brumley, and Jim Bates (Directors at Large) for the 2022-2024 term of office. Per the CMSA bylaws, the board members were elected by acclamation of the board since...
Convention News…
The ‘in-person’ 2021 Convention in San Diego has ben cancelled. Stay tuned for details and registration for a fully virtual convention in November. We know that many of you have been eagerly awaiting the opening of registration for our annual convention in San Diego...
CMSA 2020 Election Results
The CMSA board has voted to elect the following incumbents by acclamation in accordance with the bylaws as presented at the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Membership. Following are the elected members and their offices. President: Susan McLaughlin Vice President:...