The Mandolin and the art of the right hand

The Mandolin and the art of the right hand

News + Blog During the Convention in Santa Rosa, Dorina Frati referenced a book  titled “The Mandolin and the Art of the Right Hand”, recently written by one of her students, Maria Grazia Criscenzo. Dorina recommended this book for both teachers and students, saying...

Contribute to Radim Zenkl’s Rebuilding Fund

News + Blog Thanks to those of you who contributed through the CMSA Fund for Radim. If you have not already contributed, you can do so through the Go Fund Me site set up for Radim. Radim Zenkl lost his home in Paradise, California in the recent fires. Radim was on...

2018 EnMasse Music Available Now!

News + Blog Music for all pieces the EnMasse Orchestra will play at the 2018 CMSA Convention is now available to convention attendees. Videos of the pieces are available on the full post. To access the music for your part, from the menu at the top, click Sign-in. You...

Nominations are Open

News + Blog Would you like to serve on the CMSA Board of Directors? Nominations are open for three CMSA board member positions, each for three-year terms from January 2019 through December 2021. If you have are interested, please email Joane Rylander at...

Convention Hotel Rooms and Scholarships

News + Blog Have you reserved your hotel room at the Flamingo Resort for the convention? Only a few “double” rooms are left in our block at the lower convention room rates ($139). Once these are snapped up, only Suites ($199 per night) and Executive King...

Some Convention News

News + Blog Are you a mandola or mandocello player but don’t want to cart your instrument to Santa Rosa?  There will be at least one mandola and mandocello available to be borrowed for use in the en masse orchestra. We know that the airlines can make large...